Mastek Blog

Revolutionizing Business Automation: The Power of Combining Generative AI with RPA

02-Jul-2024 02:00:51 / by Kaushal Panchal posted in Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Intelligent Automation vs RPA, Gen AI



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Your Comprehensive Guide to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in Finance and HR

08-Dec-2022 01:18:17 / by Arpan Makwana posted in RPA, Robotic Automation, RPA Implementation



Nowadays, no business wants to employ people for unintelligent tasks like simply entering data, validating data, or doing certain activities that Robotic Process Automation (RPA)-enabled bots can easily do. Visionary organizations tend to automate as many tasks as possible and utilize their workforce in a more valuable or more effective manner. 

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What is RPA? How is the Emergence of RPA Software Impacting Businesses Worldwide?

07-Sep-2021 00:55:00 / by Kaushal Panchal posted in Digital Transformation, RPA, RPA Implementation, automating systems and processes


Robotic Process Automation (RPA) robot is a custom program usually used to perform low and middle-level complexity repetitive tasks with/without human intervention. Businesses primarily implement RPA to achieve cost reduction and eliminate human errors in well-defined business processes.  

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RPA adoption: transforming the way enterprises work

11-Sep-2019 01:22:10 / by Chandrakant Deshmukh posted in Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Robotic Automation, Digital Workforce, Intelligent Automation


After 5 years of the first enterprise level implementation of RPA, the recent traction that is being noticed in the corporate world is an indicator of the IT landscape warming up to the concept, and gaining insight into the dynamics of tactical application of robotics.

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Intelligent Automation: redefining digital transformation

13-Aug-2019 11:01:53 / by Prashant Kakade posted in RPA, Business Process Automation, Cognitive Technologies, Chat Bots, Natural Language Processing

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Modern innovations, such as Robotics Process Automation (RPA), Cognitive Process Automation (CPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) allow businesses to accelerate their digital transformation journey and reap the rewards of increased customer engagement and improved worker productivity, faster.

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How to avoid getting your wires crossed with RPA

16-May-2019 06:25:05 / by Gordon Cullum posted in Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, RPA


During last month’s Leeds Digital Festival, I had the pleasure of hosting a round-table discussion on RPA entitled Robotic Process Automation: The Emperor’s New Clothes? The collective insights of my guests – senior representatives of businesses from across the north of England – made for a truly fascinating debate and I want to share the fruits of our discussion with you.

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The What, Why and Where of Robotic Process Automation

12-Mar-2019 04:40:39 / by Ramesh Mohanakumaran posted in RPA



Ever wondered how changes in the macroeconomicscenarios are making corporations turn their attention to the finer aspects of execution? This is being done by inspecting the levers that change the microeconomic landscape.

Existing levers such as Cost, Quality and Time (triple constraints) are now more of a hygiene factor and not a WOW factor or differentiator.  This added to the fact that humans, as rational beings often find delivering repetitive tasks a source of boredom that takes away the focus from core activities. 

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