Mastek Blog

The Benefits of Cloud Native Platforms for Small to Midsize Mortgage Companies

06-Jun-2023 05:36:54 / by Vilas Prabhu posted in Financial Services, Digital Transformation, mortgages



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How Small to Midsize Mortgage Lenders Can Drive Incremental Change with Cloud Native Platforms 

29-May-2023 01:24:54 / by Vilas Prabhu posted in Financial Services, Digital Transformation, mortgages



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The Limitations of Traditional Mortgage Lending for Small to Midsize Lenders

22-May-2023 01:22:29 / by Vilas Prabhu posted in Financial Services, Digital Transformation, mortgages



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Small to Midsize Mortgage Lenders: When Customer Experience and Technology Collide 

17-May-2023 07:32:26 / by Vilas Prabhu posted in Financial Services, Digital Transformation, mortgages



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Rebuilding the foundation for operational resilience 

30-Nov-2022 08:30:10 / by Vilas Prabhu posted in Financial Services, Oracle, Operational Resilience



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Is it time to revisit your Digital Strategy, or are you too late?

16-Sep-2016 10:40:20 / by Anurag Kothari posted in Financial Services, Digital Banking


Differentiators always fade away with time and new ones have to be identified or built continuously. Innovations provide businesses the advantage to leap forward against the competition, but only for a limited time. With advancement and adoption of technologies by end customers in their day-to-day lives, their expectations are increasing and they look forward to greater value delivered through digital channels.

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What’s Driving Fintech?

27-Jul-2016 08:37:56 / by Aravindan Thangaraj posted in Financial Services, TechNovation, Fintech


On the face of it, the FCA’s (Financial Conduct Authority) focus on regulating the market whilst simultaneously promoting competition and innovation may seem like a Catch-22 situation for financial services businesses.

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When the Human Wallet Comes of Age?

09-Jun-2015 09:44:00 / by Aravindan Thangaraj posted in Financial Services, Vertical Vibe


We’ve come a long way from the days of trading cattle for grain, haven’t we? Moving on from the barter system, we graduated to exchanging notes and coins, and now, to biometrics for digital payments. Payment verification technologies are expected to make quantum leaps in technology every decade. So, the day of the sci-fi sounding human wallet dawning upon us doesn’t seem very far.

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