Agile AI in 2025: How & Why its Reshaping Product Development
27-Feb-2025 01:38:41 / by Ramesh Mohanakumaran posted in Agile, Digital Transformation, AI, AgileAI
The Significance of Qualitative and Quantitative Metrics in Inspect & Adapt (I&A) Workshops in Scaled Agile
10-Jan-2025 05:34:50 / by Roopini Balasubramaniam posted in Agile, Project Management
Improving the interoperability of health and social care services with digital service design
26-Sep-2022 09:57:27 / by Kate Every posted in Agile, NHS, Healthcare, Digital Transformation, Digital Service Design
How to migrate legacy retail systems to the cloud
07-Jul-2022 00:42:06 / by Darrell Harvey posted in Agile, retail operations, Cloud migration
'In a data-empowered digital world in which solving customers’ problems has become the key success factor, the traditional model for retail supply-chain excellence has to evolve, and retailers must find ways to offer customer convenience across all touchpoints.' - McKinsey
Consumer priorities are changing. Brand loyalty, while not quite a thing of the past, is heavily influenced by customer experience.
The widespread adoption of new technologies has made the customer journey interactive, frictionless and more valuable. Although this is great for the consumer, it puts pressure on retailers to update their legacy systems or lose out to the competition.
Bits and atoms: the power of supply chain digitisation
01-Jul-2022 02:04:26 / by Darrell Harvey posted in Agile, Digital Transformation, Supply Chain
By 2023, at least 50 percent of global companies will use IoT, advanced analytics, and AI in supply chain operations. That’s according to this report from Gartner.
Overcoming the 3 Main Challenges of Intelligent Automation
22-Jun-2020 08:00:00 / by Keith Morley posted in Agile, Public Sector, Machine Learning, UK Public Sector, AI, Innovation, Continous Delivery
Delivering on the promises of Intelligent Automation can be overwhelming, especially if the hype is oversold and you’re not made aware of the potential blockers and challenges that could derail your ability to scale.