Tackle legacy systems and processes with Intelligent Automation to improve central government services for employees, citizens and organisations.
Intelligent Automation is a fast route to digital service enhancement
03-Aug-2020 05:00:00 / by Keith Morley posted in Healthcare, Public Sector, Machine Learning, UK Public Sector, AI, ethics
The unquestionable role of Intelligent Automation in healthcare
22-Jul-2020 05:00:00 / by Keith Morley posted in Healthcare, Public Sector, Machine Learning, UK Public Sector, AI, ethics
Intelligent Automation is more than a technological advance; it creates new opportunities to help unlock the power of healthcare for patients and professionals
Overcoming the 3 Main Challenges of Intelligent Automation
22-Jun-2020 08:00:00 / by Keith Morley posted in Agile, Public Sector, Machine Learning, UK Public Sector, AI, Innovation, Continous Delivery
Delivering on the promises of Intelligent Automation can be overwhelming, especially if the hype is oversold and you’re not made aware of the potential blockers and challenges that could derail your ability to scale.
AI in Retail: Serving millions with 0s and 1s
13-Dec-2019 03:33:29 / by Anjali Sohoni posted in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI technologies, retail operations, data-driven intelligence
In FMCG, F = Fast. Retailers need to adapt to rapid changes in consumer attitudes and the marketplace. Every aspect of retail operations has the potential to make or break the customer experience. AI technologies are breaking down barriers and making it imperative for retailers to adopt a globally competitive retail business model. The power of machine learning has made it possible for businesses to continuously scrutinize customer behaviour data and generate alerts when the time is right for the next best action.
AI related challenges and transformational possibilities
12-Sep-2019 10:59:17 / by Gordon Cullum posted in Digital Transformation, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science
What are some of the AI related challenges and transformational possibilities we are faced with as a company delivering digital transformation for enterprises? This is the question I attempted to answer in my innovation keynote speech at AI Tech North, the first large scale AI conference in the North of England. It was truly exciting to share insights, my perspective and observations with AI enthusiasts, academics, graduates and leaders gathered in large numbers to discuss innovative technologies and data trends.
Machine learning: makes dealing with defaulters easy (Case Study)
20-Mar-2019 07:52:04 / by Anjali Sohoni posted in Machine Learning
Your business is bound to have run-ins with defaulters. These defaults could be over late payment and non-payment issues and should be resolved quickly, as they can negatively impact your profit margin. At the same time, if you handle this situation without much tact, it could ruin the relationship with your customer.