Mastek Blog

What do we mean by Testing Maturity?

05-Jun-2019 09:53:38 / by Andrew Palmer posted in Testing, Test Maturity


Organisations aim to continuously improve to maintain competitive advantages and drive profitability. The challenge they face is knowing how successful they are at improving.

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Have you discounted the differently abled from your mobile apps?

15-Apr-2019 05:40:51 / by Esperance Barreto posted in Testing


‘Seeing is believing,’ so they say. But what if you cannot see, hear or walk for that matter? Does that diminish your value in society? No. Then why are we as businesses failing to respond to the requirements of the differently abled?

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These software testing trends can help testing teams work smarter

05-Mar-2019 04:39:23 / by Andrew Palmer posted in Testing


The growing focus on Agile delivery has had a ripple effect on software testing priorities – transforming how the service is delivered across businesses. So, how can testers make the most of changing business and technology dynamics? I’ve detailed five trends that testing teams can capitalise on and meet customer expectations.

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The importance of Cloud-based Mobile Testing in Digital Transformation

31-Jan-2019 05:33:43 / by Khushbu Gajra posted in Testing


As millennials continue to drive up the demand for an ‘always-on’ mobile eco system, mobile apps have become a natural extension of web applications. Added to that, our desire to access everything from a single device have made mobile applications a necessity that most of us need, to thrive.

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