Mastek Blog

Data Virtualisation and Black Friday Deals

23-Nov-2017 04:59:30 / by Jessica Shah posted in Data Virtualisation


Black Friday is that day of the year when buyers start scouring online and offline platforms for the best deals. The day signals the start of the Christmas shopping frenzy that culminates in January sales. Having caught on rapidly in the UK within the last ten years, UK shoppers are expected to spend £10Bn on Black Friday shopping this year.


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Can you Deliver Agile BI through Data Virtualisation?

23-Sep-2016 08:36:20 / by Mayur Trivedi posted in Data Virtualisation, Agile BI



Agility in decision-making processes is the buzzword in the ever-changing and dynamic business environment. In my view, businesses want to act and improve their decision-making in real time. One of the important factors to bring agility to business decisions is to have effective, actionable insights on information available to business in days or weeks and not in months or years.

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