Mastek Blog

Build data bridges not data silos in government

16-Aug-2022 23:00:00 / by Angus Hughes posted in Government, UK Central Government, UK Public Sector



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How to build identity and access management into digital government from the ground up

05-Aug-2022 01:05:53 / by Ravindra Samant posted in Government, UK Central Government, UK Public Sector, Identity & Access Management



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Future of Government: Endless Possibilities of Emerging Tech

27-Jul-2022 07:56:19 / by Jack Fowler posted in Government, Public Sector, Future Tech



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How to use predictive analytics in local and central government to identify risks and target resources

05-Aug-2021 07:28:39 / by Dean Richardson posted in Government, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, governance, predective analytics

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The phrase “predictive analytics” holds a lot of promises—about solving problems before they occur, better service outcomes, targeting scarce resources, supporting decisions and improving responses in time critical situations.

With so much opportunity available, how can government start to consider the risks and benefits associated with this technology?

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3 Data Trends for Leaders in Public Sector in 2021

24-Jun-2021 05:53:51 / by Dean Richardson posted in Government, Data, analytics, governance, strategy, change


There is a lot of hype around data. It is billed as a route to better citizen service, faster business decisions and overcoming enterprise silos. But it’s not that easy; every data decision is dependent on resolving the lack of trust, misalignment and data silos.

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Junior Doctors Strike - A Brief Diagnosis

10-Feb-2016 10:16:17 / by Dominic Carter posted in Government


It’s regrettable, isn’t it? The second junior doctors strike today. Yet, it is a manifestation of balancing increased demand against an NHS that faces a £22bn savings in efficiency by 2020. Successive governments have made pledges within their manifestos to protect the NHS. They have even assured increasing funding, at a time when other government departments have experienced significant cuts. It is in the interest of both sides to reach a compromise -- for government, doing so will reassure citizens that ‘the NHS is safe in my hands,’ and for doctors, it will ensure they can continue providing safe and sustainable care at weekends.

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Enriching the UK Govt’s Digital Transformation Journey with G-Cloud 7

26-Jan-2016 08:10:12 / by Prahlad Koti posted in Government


We are on the G-Cloud 7 framework. So, what’s the big deal? A lot, considering that Mastek’s Government Solutions are delivering on the Public Sector vision of positioning the UK at the forefront of data analytics globally.

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Mastek’s IAM System Deployment for HSCIC wins iCMG Awards

08-Sep-2015 04:09:00 / by Esperance Barreto posted in Government, Awards

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The iCMG (Internet Component Management Group) awarded HSCIC (Health and Social Care Information Centre) the Enterprise & IT Architecture Excellence Award 2015 in the Healthcare category. The award was bestowed for the architecture, design and development of the Identity and Access Management (IAM) system.

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Do Away with Data Risks

22-Jun-2015 10:13:00 / by Dominic Carter posted in Vertical Vibe, Government


The numerous security breaches involving personal data have only served to raise the level of distrust that citizens harbour towards businesses and the public sector at large. It is therefore essential for government organisations to avoid security lapses and mitigate these risks by putting in place checkpoints such as Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions. IAM solutions are pivotal in addressing security concerns, ensuring that citizen data is secure and used solely for legitimate purposes by authorised individuals.

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This Way Forward

25-Mar-2015 07:03:00 / by Aniket Bharambe posted in Vertical Vibe, Government


The UK government’s ‘digital by default’ agenda is here to stay. It is a long-term proposition aimed at providing easy to use, accessible public services. As the dependencies on ICT continue to increase, government departments have major IT changes planned.

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