Mastek Blog

Experience is EVERYTHING

11-May-2021 01:52:36 / by Anurag Kothari posted in Digital Transformation, BI, Digital Workforce, AI technologies



Sean Gerety once said, the technology you use impresses no one. The experience you create with it, is EVERYTHING.

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AI in Retail: Serving millions with 0s and 1s

13-Dec-2019 03:33:29 / by Anjali Sohoni posted in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI technologies, retail operations, data-driven intelligence


In FMCG, F = Fast. Retailers need to adapt to rapid changes in consumer attitudes and the marketplace. Every aspect of retail operations has the potential to make or break the customer experience. AI technologies are breaking down barriers and making it imperative for retailers to adopt a globally competitive retail business model. The power of machine learning has made it possible for businesses to continuously scrutinize customer behaviour data and generate alerts when the time is right for the next best action.

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