Mastek Blog

Key Ways State CIOs Can Drive Modernization

11-Jan-2024 01:14:00 / by Ryan Smith posted in Public Sector, cio, cloud modernization



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Using Salesforce to Optimize Workers’ Compensation Organizations

30-Jan-2023 02:55:29 / by Ryan Smith posted in Public Sector, Salesforce, Workers Compensation


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Joined-up digital government vs fragmented IT

01-Sep-2022 02:33:12 / by Andrew Ingram posted in Digital Transformation, Public Sector, UK Central Government, Government Digital services



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6 Authentication biometrics trends and benefits for public sector organisations

24-Aug-2022 05:36:04 / by Steve Lloyd posted in Public Sector, biometrics, cybersecurity



There are regular news stories of data breaches in the public sector. However, modern technologies, such as authentication biometrics, can offer hope to those looking to shore up their cybersecurity.

Indeed, the adoption of biometrics, in general, is enjoying ongoing growth. By 2026, the global market is expected to reach $65.52 billion.

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Future of Government: Endless Possibilities of Emerging Tech

27-Jul-2022 07:56:19 / by Jack Fowler posted in Government, Public Sector, Future Tech



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Intelligent Automation is a fast route to digital service enhancement

03-Aug-2020 05:00:00 / by Keith Morley posted in Healthcare, Public Sector, Machine Learning, UK Public Sector, AI, ethics

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Tackle legacy systems and processes with Intelligent Automation to improve central government services for employees, citizens and organisations.

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The unquestionable role of Intelligent Automation in healthcare

22-Jul-2020 05:00:00 / by Keith Morley posted in Healthcare, Public Sector, Machine Learning, UK Public Sector, AI, ethics


Intelligent Automation is more than a technological advance; it creates new opportunities to help unlock the power of healthcare for patients and professionals

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Overcoming the 3 Main Challenges of Intelligent Automation

22-Jun-2020 08:00:00 / by Keith Morley posted in Agile, Public Sector, Machine Learning, UK Public Sector, AI, Innovation, Continous Delivery



Delivering on the promises of Intelligent Automation can be overwhelming, especially if the hype is oversold and you’re not made aware of the potential blockers and challenges that could derail your ability to scale.

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