Mastek Blog

Why enterprises should navigate digital transformation?

17-Oct-2019 04:57:16 / by Ms. Kiran Gidwani posted in Digital Transformation, Customer Insight, Business Process Automation, Customer Engagement

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To deliver value and accelerate growth, enterprises need to change their fundamental approach and add speed and accuracy to the various business processes. New digital technologies present both game-changing opportunities for and existential threats to companies whose success was built in the pre-digital economy. Digital transformation is a pre-requisite for sustainable growth and in some cases, survival of enterprises in the current dynamic and pace-driven market.

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Mobile proliferation: Reimagining business benefits and customer experience

17-Jul-2019 04:26:39 / by Andrew Palmer posted in Mobile Testing, Mobile Content, Customer Experience, Customer Engagement

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According to Harvard Business Review, the exponential growth in mobile proliferation and better connectivity has resulted in customers depending heavily on their smartphones to access online services and information.

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