Mastek Blog

Scaling up, fast: onboarding a large scale testing partnership inside four weeks

21-Feb-2020 04:00:52 / by Andrew Palmer posted in Automation Testing, Recovery Testing, testing partnership, Scalability, Compatibility Testing


Under political and public pressure, government services providers are under intense scrutiny to provide value and right first time delivery. To reduce public expenditure, public bodies including the NHS, Ministry of Justice and DWP were challenged to transform their technology to modernise services and deliver improved value for money. To achieve this, Government departments procured large scale IT vendors’ services that offered economies of scale and simplified delivery.

A global systems integrator accountable for delivering 7 national UK public sector IT modernisation programmes chose Mastek as their end to end testing delivery partner. They required a partner with a strong testing capability, adaptable capacity and attractive pricing model, together with a trusted history of consistent supply to deliver 7 key UK programmes.

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Building an agile testing community

29-Aug-2019 11:58:58 / by Percy Hilloo posted in Mobile Testing, Agile Testing, Automation Testing, Trends in Testing


An ancient proverb says, ‘Knowledge is like a garden; if it cannot be cultivated, it cannot be harvested.’ At Mastek, we firmly believe in knowledge sharing and actively create opportunities to provide Mastekeers and industry professionals with the right platform to interact and initiate dialogues.

We recently hosted the 21st Chapter of the Agile Testing Group in Mumbai. The event provided testing professionals with a platform to interact with test associates and industry experts; enabling them to share experiences, get insights on the latest innovations and trends in software testing as well as a chance to participate in hands-on sessions.

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