Mastek Blog

Authentication Trends in the New World Order

19-May-2023 00:56:30 / by Ravindra Samant posted in UK Public Sector, Data Security, Security, cybersecurity, data protection



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Transform, Package & Deploy faster and secure with DevSecOps

29-Jul-2021 01:47:52 / by Bhavin Shah posted in DevOps culture, AppDev, Devact, DevSecOps, Security, Automation


Do you practice DevOps?

It is time to take complete advantage of its agility and responsiveness by including security as an integral part of the entire app life cycle.

Integrate and automate security in your DevOps practice

Many organizations aim to shorten their system’s development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality. Where DevOps combines a system’s software development and IT operations, the Security team catches the bugs & vulnerabilities during the development stage to ensure that no errors are faced after the application's release. It safeguards the application release and the company’s reputation in the public market.
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