Mastek Blog

Think you are suited for a C-level career?

03-Apr-2019 09:38:32 / by Esperance Barreto posted in Graduate Programme


Do you harbour notions about making it big someday? Like rising up the rungs of the career ladder? Most of us do at some point in our lives. So, wouldn’t it be helpful if we had a north star to guide us through this journey?

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5 Steps to Succeed at Mastek’s Graduate Programme

21-Feb-2019 09:08:34 / by Sophie Tawn posted in Graduate Programme

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For me, the initial appeal of Mastek's Graduate Programme was the focus on values over experience. We were told at the start of the programme that who we were as individuals was just as important as what we could do. The programme involved 3 months of training across multiple technologies. All a prospective employee needed was a keen desire to solve problems and keep up with the fast changing world of technology. This fits in quite well with Mastek’s PACTS (Passionate, Accountable, Collaborative, Transparent and Sustainable) values system. If you’re interested in succeeding at a graduate programme for a company that places a high degree of emphasis on character, here are five steps to help you do just that.



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