Mastek Blog

Metamorphosis : The Brutally Honest Guide to Digital Transformation

27-Aug-2021 04:55:00 / by Niyamsan Chhaya posted in TechNovation, Digital Transformation, Cloud Technology, Business Process Automation, business acceleration


Technology transformations are often touted as the holy grail of business change and rejuvenation. This feeds into an expectation that the transformation project will change everything for the better overnight. And since it is a 'cloud' system, it will be like stealing candy from a child. Clearly, people have never really tried stealing candy from children – or they wouldn't find the raging tantrum that ensues 'easy'.

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What’s Driving Fintech?

27-Jul-2016 08:37:56 / by Aravindan Thangaraj posted in Financial Services, TechNovation, Fintech


On the face of it, the FCA’s (Financial Conduct Authority) focus on regulating the market whilst simultaneously promoting competition and innovation may seem like a Catch-22 situation for financial services businesses.

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Big Data is No Big Deal

21-Apr-2016 06:53:00 / by Mick Bull posted in TechNovation


Bookmakers always win. They may experience the occasional bad day, but over a period of time they always win. Why? This is primarily because they study form. They analyse as much data as they can absorb, applying hypotheses to test possible outcomes (whether mentally or with the aid of computers), setting prices and refining continuously based on further events and patterns. Basically, they calculate the most likely outcomes based on statistics and other insights, and then set the odds in their favour. They also study their levels of exposure and risk, taking appropriate steps to offset potential losses, to ensure that they nearly always make a profit.

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When Insight In an Instant Becomes the Norm

21-Oct-2015 09:21:00 / by Ravindra Kadam posted in TechNovation


If you’ve had that drowning feeling of being submerged under the mountain of information that big data throws up, you’re not alone. While big data was intended to serve as a panacea for businesses to respond to market needs by drawing useful insights from reams and reams of information, its unmanageability has metamorphosed into a plague for most organisations. Most businesses end up feeling crippled rather than empowered with this knowledge repository at their disposal.

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How Digital Insight Can Improve Your Sales Strategy?

11-Jun-2015 10:35:00 / by Ben Salins posted in TechNovation


We are living in the age of the customer and not the seller, where the customer controls the majority of the front end sales process. This is a paradigm shift in the process, as the seller is no longer conducting a sales process. Rather, he facilitates a buying process. By incorporating a digital technology strategy that includes a compelling customer relationship management plan, businesses can achieve insights that promote a robust sales strategy.

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