Mastek Blog

The Future of Contact Centers: Leveraging AI for Enhanced Customer Experiences

24-Jun-2024 03:51:24 / by Srikanth Balusani posted in Artificial Intelligence, Cloud-based AI, AI, Data, Gen AI



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Snowflake Data and Cloud Summit 2024: Highlights and Key Takeaways

14-Jun-2024 05:39:00 / by Raman Awal posted in Cloud-based AI, Data, snowflake



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How AI in Radiology and Pathology can Help Transform Processes in Healthcare

22-Aug-2022 06:39:54 / by Shivam Mehta posted in Healthcare, Cloud Technology, Cloud-based AI, AI


The populations around the world are aging and have increasingly complex health needs. As a result of recent medical advancements,
the US life expectancy as of 2022 is 79.05 and is rising steadily at a rate of 0.08% annually. In the coming decade, more individuals are expected to live longer lives. Now, with more patients, pathologists would have to go over more information on each patient. 

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How are AI-driven bots transforming customer engagement?

10-Jul-2019 22:59:46 / by Chetan Savdekar posted in Artificial Intelligence, Business Process Automation, AI Algorithms, Robotic Automation, Cloud-based AI

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With the take-up of automation increasing rapidly across industries, AI-driven bots are at the centre of business process improvement, helping to enhance the user’s experience -- and customer engagement more generally -- with more intuitive, easy-to-use interfaces.

According to MIT Sloan Management Review, we are embarking on a journey where the rules-driven bots will be replaced by Artificial Intelligence or AI-driven bots that have the capability to self-learn and continuously improve their knowledge, just like humans. The technologies that are powering such AI bots are Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML). AI bots are well on the way to becoming intelligent personal assistants for consumers across many industries.

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