Mastek Blog

Srikanth Balusani

Srikanth Balusani is Chief Technology Officer at Mastek's Salesforce Business Unit, leading their Technology Services, Data Architecture, and Product Development divisions since 2015. He brings nearly two decades of experience developing and delivering innovative solutions. Srikanth is passionate about leveraging Cloud platforms, AI, IoT and conversational UI to build customer centric solutions. He is responsible for driving the technology strategy for Mastek’s Salesforce Business Unit to provide world class solutions to customers.
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Recent Posts

Unified Customer Data Drives Personalized Customer Experiences

25-Jun-2024 06:26:18 / by Srikanth Balusani posted in Artificial Intelligence, Customer Experience, Data, Gen AI


Customers today expect much more from the brands and companies they work with, and increasingly that expectation includes a desire for personalized service. Per research by McKinsey, 71% of customers want a personalized experience and 76% become frustrated by a lack of such interactions.  

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The Future of Contact Centers: Leveraging AI for Enhanced Customer Experiences

24-Jun-2024 03:51:24 / by Srikanth Balusani posted in Artificial Intelligence, Cloud-based AI, AI, Data, Gen AI



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How Evolving Technologies Can Drive Better Contact Center ROI

17-Jun-2024 07:23:12 / by Srikanth Balusani posted in Artificial Intelligence, thoughtleadership, Gen AI


A McKinsey study found that while 77 percent of customer service leaders say their companies have developed digital platforms, only 20 percent of their digital contacts are done unassisted—even as contact center volume continues to grow. That’s a clear indication of the tremendous opportunity to leverage evolving technologies to drive higher return on investment (ROI) at the contact center, especially at a time of agent staff shortages.    

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How to Maximize the Investment in Salesforce with MuleSoft

14-Dec-2023 04:09:48 / by Srikanth Balusani posted in Data, mulesoft



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How to Build Connected Customer Experiences with MuleSoft and Customer 360

14-Dec-2023 03:57:42 / by Srikanth Balusani posted in Data, mulesoft



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