Mastek Blog

Andrew Palmer

Andrew Palmer CITP is a Chartered IT Professional by the British Computer Society and Leader for Business Consultancy at Mastek in the UK. Andrew has been a specialist in business transformation for over 15 year working in both the Private and Public sector to deliver high quality change solutions. Talk to Andrew Now: 07818411530
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Part 2: If future is uncertain, how can you make great decisions?

13-Jul-2020 05:15:00 / by Andrew Palmer posted in business outcomes, business uncertainty, business analysis, Transformation


In Part 1, we looked at how the way change is implemented is evolving, the benefits of building a great support team and how an external view can provide a clear roadmap for an organisation.  Having established these, we can now look at how business analysis can be used to leverage a global supply chain for competitive advantage.

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Part 1: If future is uncertain, how can you make great decisions?

06-Jul-2020 05:00:00 / by Andrew Palmer posted in business outcomes, business uncertainty, business analysis, Transformation

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Stephen R. Covey famously said, “If there’s one thing that’s certain in business, it’s uncertainty.” The prescience of these words is clear in a time when key decisions come with such a wide range of risks, possible outcomes and potential technology solutions.

And it’s also true that the problems themselves change and evolve; in my 15 years of working with businesses to enable change, I’ve never solved the same problem twice. Businesses are continuously looking to innovate to gain a competitive advantage or adapt to market conditions.

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Scaling up, fast: onboarding a large scale testing partnership inside four weeks

21-Feb-2020 04:00:52 / by Andrew Palmer posted in Automation Testing, Recovery Testing, testing partnership, Scalability, Compatibility Testing


Under political and public pressure, government services providers are under intense scrutiny to provide value and right first time delivery. To reduce public expenditure, public bodies including the NHS, Ministry of Justice and DWP were challenged to transform their technology to modernise services and deliver improved value for money. To achieve this, Government departments procured large scale IT vendors’ services that offered economies of scale and simplified delivery.

A global systems integrator accountable for delivering 7 national UK public sector IT modernisation programmes chose Mastek as their end to end testing delivery partner. They required a partner with a strong testing capability, adaptable capacity and attractive pricing model, together with a trusted history of consistent supply to deliver 7 key UK programmes.

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Mobile proliferation: Reimagining business benefits and customer experience

17-Jul-2019 04:26:39 / by Andrew Palmer posted in Mobile Testing, Mobile Content, Customer Experience, Customer Engagement

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According to Harvard Business Review, the exponential growth in mobile proliferation and better connectivity has resulted in customers depending heavily on their smartphones to access online services and information.

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What do we mean by Testing Maturity?

05-Jun-2019 09:53:38 / by Andrew Palmer posted in Testing, Test Maturity


Organisations aim to continuously improve to maintain competitive advantages and drive profitability. The challenge they face is knowing how successful they are at improving.

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These software testing trends can help testing teams work smarter

05-Mar-2019 04:39:23 / by Andrew Palmer posted in Testing


The growing focus on Agile delivery has had a ripple effect on software testing priorities – transforming how the service is delivered across businesses. So, how can testers make the most of changing business and technology dynamics? I’ve detailed five trends that testing teams can capitalise on and meet customer expectations.

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