Mastek Blog

Khushbu Gajra

Khushbu is a mobile testing subject matter expert and project manager who strives to adopt the latest mobile testing technologies to enhance the quality of the deliverables.

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Why user experience testing matters when testing mobile apps?

19-Feb-2019 09:58:38 / by Khushbu Gajra

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There’s an app for everything these days. Be it ride-sharing, fitness tracking, food ordering, bill payment, book purchase, gaming, insurance claims, email, events, and more, the list is never-ending. Mobiles make our lives easy, helping us connect to multiple things at the flick of a finger. Naturally, we as users expect a quick and reliable response when interacting with mobiles and applications.

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The importance of Cloud-based Mobile Testing in Digital Transformation

31-Jan-2019 05:33:43 / by Khushbu Gajra posted in Testing


As millennials continue to drive up the demand for an ‘always-on’ mobile eco system, mobile apps have become a natural extension of web applications. Added to that, our desire to access everything from a single device have made mobile applications a necessity that most of us need, to thrive.

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