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Why user experience testing matters when testing mobile apps?

19-Feb-2019 09:58:38 / by Khushbu Gajra

Khushbu Gajra

There’s an app for everything these days. Be it ride-sharing, fitness tracking, food ordering, bill payment, book purchase, gaming, insurance claims, email, events, and more, the list is never-ending. Mobiles make our lives easy, helping us connect to multiple things at the flick of a finger. Naturally, we as users expect a quick and reliable response when interacting with mobiles and applications.


The user experience trumps everything else when it comes to mobile apps. With so many options available on the market to address our needs, most of us don’t have time for poor user experience. This is because it is very convenient to switch to an app that’s more responsive and reliable, rather than waste time exploring the functionality of confusing applications. While users can still get their work done through another app, the company with the confusing application loses out on business. 

Understanding the user’s mobile journey

Consider the scenario where users are in the process of purchasing a product online. They have completed the tedious task of finding a suitable product. However, upon trying to purchase it, the e-commerce site mandates registration without the option to bypass it and purchase the product. This roadblock in the user journey further alienates users who abandon their purchase.

This loss of a customer and revenue could have been avoided with a better understanding of the user’s mobile journey. We must create applications that are designed according to user expectations and not vice versa.

Customer experience and the mobile testing strategy

Evaluating the customer experience will not only help to create a better product design, it will achieve customer delight and deliver on your business objectives. Usability testing of the application will help with the evaluation. Some basic questions should be considered when building a mobile testing strategy including:

  • Is the core purpose of creating the application met?
  • What is the user’s expectation? Where is he located?
  • What mobile devices will the user access?
  • Can the user seamlessly navigate the application?
  • Can the user easily find and use all application features?
  • What features will delight users compared to the competitor’s application?
  • Will the application work across every screen size?

Testing mobile applications

Along with non-functional testing of the mobile apps, delivering functional, performance, and automation testing will ensure a superior user experience. Incorporating an automated test suite with repeated functionality tests will deliver seamless application performance across a range of devices, screen sizes, and CPU capabilities.

Automation testing will also optimise the quality of the application with every new feature released in an agile environment. Testing the performance of the app will prevent it from crashing or freezing in the face of device factors such as a full memory drive, poor network coverage, low battery, and the like. 

At Mastek, we deliver mobile testing solutions that can help you improve the customer experience across diverse touchpoints. Connect with us to know more.

Khushbu Gajra

Written by Khushbu Gajra

Khushbu is a mobile testing subject matter expert and project manager who strives to adopt the latest mobile testing technologies to enhance the quality of the deliverables.

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