Mastek Blog

Gordon Cullum

Gordon is the CTO at Mastek UK. He is a technology enthusiast with a professional background in bespoke enterprise software development and architecture.

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AI related challenges and transformational possibilities

12-Sep-2019 10:59:17 / by Gordon Cullum posted in Digital Transformation, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science


What are some of the AI related challenges and transformational possibilities we are faced with as a company delivering digital transformation for enterprises? This is the question I attempted to answer in my innovation keynote speech at AI Tech North, the first large scale AI conference in the North of England. It was truly exciting to share insights, my perspective and observations with AI enthusiasts, academics, graduates and leaders gathered in large numbers to discuss innovative technologies and data trends.

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How to avoid getting your wires crossed with RPA

16-May-2019 06:25:05 / by Gordon Cullum posted in Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, RPA


During last month’s Leeds Digital Festival, I had the pleasure of hosting a round-table discussion on RPA entitled Robotic Process Automation: The Emperor’s New Clothes? The collective insights of my guests – senior representatives of businesses from across the north of England – made for a truly fascinating debate and I want to share the fruits of our discussion with you.

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