Mastek Blog

Supply Chain Visibility is Business-critical in the On-demand Economy

12-Dec-2022 02:01:11 / by Jaideep Nair posted in Retail, Supply Chain



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Modernising Your Retail IT with Composable Commerce 

28-Nov-2022 00:41:59 / by Darrell Harvey posted in Retail, Digital commerce, consumer market



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Composable Commerce Stimulates Retail Growth in a Recession

14-Nov-2022 00:00:56 / by Jaideep Nair posted in Retail, Digital commerce, consumer market



Composable commerce is when retail businesses create modular architecture that can be made from interchangeable building blocks so that functionality can be added when it is needed. Retail CIOs can plug in new capabilities using APIs, microservices and other modular elements, or cluster existing services to create a new one.   

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Persistent Inflation Impacts Retail Profitability

04-Nov-2022 03:44:19 / by Darrell Harvey posted in Retail, cio, consumer market



Every retail CIO faces the same challenge: how to maintain profitability in the face of perpetual disruption. The possible impact of persistent inflation is just the most recent addition to the profitability challenges faced by the retail industry since the start of the pandemic in 2020. 

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Why is Amazon opening its own bricks and mortar stores?

21-Jul-2022 01:21:39 / by Darrell Harvey posted in Retail, retail operations



The company that brought us the Kindle, Amazon Prime, and a world of hilarious reviews, will now also sell us products in brick and mortar department stores too.



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8 Examples of AI in Retail You Should Know

23-Jun-2022 01:44:02 / by Darrell Harvey posted in Retail, AI


McKinsey estimates the potential annual value of AI in the retail industry sits between £300 billion and £600 billion. It's clear the opportunity for companies is substantial.

But what exactly does thefuture of AIin retaillook like? 

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Retail Digital Transformation in 2022: Why It Matters & Key Trends

26-May-2022 01:31:00 / by Yesha Gangani posted in Retail, Retail Tech



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The Rise of the Connected Retail Associate

07-Apr-2017 08:43:59 / by Pierson Broome posted in Retail


At the beginning of every new calendar year there appears a slew of articles full of predictions about what the Retail domain will have to contend with in the coming twelve months, together with prophecies and expectations of technical trends and challenges. 

There will sometimes appear a left-field outlier of a suggestion amongst the lists, but in general they tend to concur with wider, more deeply understood technical trajectories of the most popular themes.

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Omnichannel – Bringing it All Together

10-Mar-2017 05:57:17 / by Pierson Broome posted in Retail


In recent weeks I have been engaged on customer assignments where the holistic value of an all-encompassing approach to systems integration truly demonstrates the business benefits of omnichannel.  With multiple streams of purchase opportunity and associated sales fulfillment retailers need to take account of how, precisely, their omnichannel strategies not only execute operationally, but also to better understand what the data being generated by each stream can contribute to the ‘bigger picture’ of customer insight.

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Retailers ‘Wake Up’ to Customers Calling the Shots

04-Oct-2016 03:39:09 / by Keven Huelin posted in Retail


Customer centricity is a trending topic for many industries. Market analysts view this as being critical to ensuring business survival and not just an approach to achieve some competitive advantage. But what is true customer centricity and what makes one business more customer-centric than another? The answer to this hinges on the extent to which a retailer has aligned its business model and operations to the wants and needs of the consumer.

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