Mastek Blog

How Metaverse will Transform Customer Experience?

14-Oct-2022 08:12:12 / by Bhaskar Dhawan posted in Retail Tech, Customer Experience, metaverse


Metaverse seems to be the buzzword ever since Facebook announced its name change to Meta to highlight the company's focus on building a Metaverse. This led to an avalanche of interest in Metaverse-related projects with global Google searches for "metaverse" going up by 7200% in 2021. Total investment into Metaverse has already reached $120 billion in the first five months of 2022. 

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What can UK retail learn from US retail and their IT and cloud strategy?

14-Jul-2022 01:57:18 / by Darrell Harvey posted in Retail Tech



They say that no one likes being sold to, but everyone likes buying.

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Retail Digital Transformation in 2022: Why It Matters & Key Trends

26-May-2022 01:31:00 / by Yesha Gangani posted in Retail, Retail Tech



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Watch Out! There's a new breed of genius in Retail

06-Jan-2017 09:26:31 / by Hazel M Jones posted in Retail Tech


Use technology and retail sense to reduce your cost per acquisition

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Why an Integrated Data Strategy will help Retailers

20-Sep-2016 11:01:08 / by Keven Huelin posted in Retail Tech


Retail businesses are desperate to realise greater value and insight from data. More data is available through significant system investments, such as in ERP, system upgrades and network integration, however digital value derived from these systems is often limited. The move to being a more agile, digitally enabled enterprise can create challenges of a different nature, where visibility is actually reduced and functions are disconnected with limited interpretation of events.

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An Eggcellent Roundup of Top Retail Tech Trends in March

01-Apr-2016 03:33:20 / by Pierson Broome posted in Retail, Retail Tech


An early Easter RetailTechTrends-3.jpga shorter than usual period between the Christmas trading rush and the traditional start of spring here in the northern hemisphere.  And, once again we’ve been monitoring the latest trends in Retail technology and highlighting what has gained the most momentum over the past month.  So, here goes:

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