Bhaskar Dhawan

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Trustworthy AI is a Demystifying Journey for Enterprises
24-Apr-2024 07:38:22 / by Bhaskar Dhawan posted in AI, AI Strategy, Gen AI
Unraveling the AI Employment Paradox: Debunking the Predictions and Exploring the Real Impact
10-Oct-2023 07:52:57 / by Bhaskar Dhawan posted in Digital Transformation, AI, Data
The dramatic surge of artificial intelligence (AI) across industries has spurred numerous perspectives about its potential impact on the job market.
How Metaverse will Transform Customer Experience?
14-Oct-2022 08:12:12 / by Bhaskar Dhawan posted in Retail Tech, Customer Experience, metaverse
Metaverse seems to be the buzzword ever since Facebook announced its name change to Meta to highlight the company's focus on building a Metaverse. This led to an avalanche of interest in Metaverse-related projects with global Google searches for "metaverse" going up by 7200% in 2021. Total investment into Metaverse has already reached $120 billion in the first five months of 2022.
Shift to a Digital Business Model with Oracle CX Commerce & Mastek
04-Aug-2022 09:04:41 / by Bhaskar Dhawan posted in Digital Transformation, Oracle, Digital commerce
How You Can Leverage Trending Ecommerce Strategies for B2B Online Business
25-Apr-2022 04:14:00 / by Bhaskar Dhawan posted in strategy, ecommmerce, b2b