Mastek Blog

Sarah Parker

Sarah L. Parker is Head of Strategic Content at Mastek.

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How to master data governance

31-Mar-2021 07:55:09 / by Sarah Parker posted in Government Tech, DataOps, Government Digital services, data analysis, data-driven intelligence

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Data governance is not an IT strategy. It is a business strategy—an essential enterprise wide initiative that enables faster decisions and improves data quality. In the Public Sector, data governance must bring together key stakeholders across business and IT to link to enterprise outcomes and priorities. In this post, we’ll explore why data governance is important and explain how to implement it effectively in the public sector.

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Safeguard your Intelligent Automation delivery

28-Jan-2021 05:00:00 / by Sarah Parker posted in Intelligent Automation, AI, Intelligent Automation vs RPA, Intelligent Automation tools, Intelligent Process Automation


It is clear that intelligent automation can alleviate the pressure on public services in difficult times.

But what about the actual delivery of the project?

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Three ways that you can use Intelligent Automation to improve digital services and fight against Covid-19

29-Oct-2020 05:00:00 / by Sarah Parker posted in Intelligent Automation, AI, Intelligent Automation vs RPA, Intelligent Automation tools, Intelligent Process Automation


You joined the Public Sector to make a difference in people’s lives, to ensure that taxpayer’s money is well spent, and to help shape the country’s future.

That just got a lot harder.

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