Mastek Blog

Meet Bhavsar

Meet is an Oracle Certified HCM Solution Architect with over a decade of experience designing, delivering, and implementing HCM solutions globally. From pre-sales consultations that identify client needs to meticulously designed and implemented solutions, Meet's expertise spans the entire HCM lifecycle. He has primarily worked in UK, EMEA and APAC as part of his experience. Meet is a trusted advisor who understands the complexities of HR management. Meet is a very active member of the Oracle Cloud Customer Connect community and works closely with customers, Oracle, and their partners. He was also awarded as a Top Problem Solver and Top Active Member for 2020 by the Oracle Customer Connect community and is currently a Gold Crown member.
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Master Your Craft: Unveiling the Power of Oracle Grow's Personalized Learning Recommendations

10-Jun-2024 06:47:01 / by Meet Bhavsar posted in workplace, hcm, Oracle Cloud Application, oracle HCM



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