Mastek Blog

Co-location, Co-location, Co-location! ...part 1

29-Sep-2015 10:26:00 / by Laurence Wood posted in Agile


In the age of the customer you need to move fast to compete with the digital upstarts. Creating a small responsive development capability is easy. Quickly delivering complex solutions at scale is difficult.

Enterprise Agile exploits early-and-often value delivery using expert scaled Agile teams. Cost control and the need to scale quickly mean that offsite or offshore delivery is a must. But how do you leverage competitive distributed teams without losing the responsiveness and flexibility of co-location?

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Mix cultures to drive up performance....Global Enterprise Agile...

02-Sep-2015 04:13:00 / by Laurence Wood posted in Agile


McKinsey&Company’s  Diversity Matters  project found that companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are  35 percent more likely  to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians.

Differing performance levels from companies in the same industry and the same country imply that diversity is a competitive differentiator. The most important drivers that McKinsey identified were:

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