Mastek Blog

Will De-globalisation Benefit Fintech?

21-Feb-2017 08:48:59 / by Ashish Joshi posted in Fintech


It is an understatement to say that the outcome of political events over the past year will greatly impact the financial services industry in the coming decades. The fact remains that 2016 has been the most revolutionary year in recent history – its reverberations will be felt throughout this industry with increasing intensity.


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What’s Driving Fintech?

27-Jul-2016 08:37:56 / by Aravindan Thangaraj posted in Financial Services, TechNovation, Fintech


On the face of it, the FCA’s (Financial Conduct Authority) focus on regulating the market whilst simultaneously promoting competition and innovation may seem like a Catch-22 situation for financial services businesses.

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