Mastek Blog

Pierson Broome

Senior Retail Consultant
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The Rise of the Connected Retail Associate

07-Apr-2017 08:43:59 / by Pierson Broome posted in Retail


At the beginning of every new calendar year there appears a slew of articles full of predictions about what the Retail domain will have to contend with in the coming twelve months, together with prophecies and expectations of technical trends and challenges. 

There will sometimes appear a left-field outlier of a suggestion amongst the lists, but in general they tend to concur with wider, more deeply understood technical trajectories of the most popular themes.

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Omnichannel – Bringing it All Together

10-Mar-2017 05:57:17 / by Pierson Broome posted in Retail


In recent weeks I have been engaged on customer assignments where the holistic value of an all-encompassing approach to systems integration truly demonstrates the business benefits of omnichannel.  With multiple streams of purchase opportunity and associated sales fulfillment retailers need to take account of how, precisely, their omnichannel strategies not only execute operationally, but also to better understand what the data being generated by each stream can contribute to the ‘bigger picture’ of customer insight.

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Cognitive Computing - our May Retail Trend

01-Jun-2016 06:06:29 / by Pierson Broome posted in Retail


Our retail trend for May is not a new or innovative idea. Rather, it is an evolution of the oldest and most common retail focus – thinking more like the customer. Except that today, multi-channel customer engagement requires different thinking. It necessitates strategies to gather customer insight based upon their random purchasing patterns. These consumers demand a seamless shopping experience, proving difficult to pigeon-hole into traditional demographic buying groups.

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What’s Trending in Retail Tech?

21-Apr-2016 09:11:06 / by Pierson Broome posted in Retail, Vertical Vibe


It’s interesting when the untraditional take on the very traditional retail sector keeps repeating itself with aplomb. Throughout 2016 we’ve been identifying and publishing key retail tech trends on our retail blog. We’ve observed several themes repeat themselves month on month. Nevertheless, the opportunity to gain competitive advantage through the use of trending technologies has catapulted this industry into the limelight.

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An Eggcellent Roundup of Top Retail Tech Trends in March

01-Apr-2016 03:33:20 / by Pierson Broome posted in Retail, Retail Tech


An early Easter RetailTechTrends-3.jpga shorter than usual period between the Christmas trading rush and the traditional start of spring here in the northern hemisphere.  And, once again we’ve been monitoring the latest trends in Retail technology and highlighting what has gained the most momentum over the past month.  So, here goes:

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The Top Three Retail Tech Insights We’ve Seen this February

26-Feb-2016 05:06:48 / by Pierson Broome posted in Retail


After the punctuation of Christmas and New Year, the business of Business is back in full swing. Retailers are announcing results and discussing plans for how technology will drive competitive advantage this year.

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Three of the Top Retail Technology Benchmarks We’ve Seen in January

28-Jan-2016 03:58:08 / by Pierson Broome posted in Retail


A New Year – and with it, as always, new challenges for the Retail sector.  How should retailers invest hard-earned profits when it comes to technical roadmaps? What are the key retail technology trends emerging this year?

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How to Prevent ‘Bleak Friday’ on Black Friday with Retail BI

13-Nov-2015 03:58:00 / by Pierson Broome posted in Retail, Business Intelligence


Like most fads crossing over from the US, Black Friday has made its way across the Atlantic and onto European shores. This US shopping phenomenon, which falls on the Friday after the Thanksgiving holiday is devoted to firing the metaphorical starting pistol for the retail industry’s busiest trading period of the year. Despite the absence of a formal holiday, this bargain hunting break has been adopted by UK retailers for around decade now.

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