Mastek Blog

Let’s Decomplexify the Marketing Multiverse

16-May-2024 08:36:30 / by Prajakta Talvelkar

Prajakta Talvelkar




2023: a day in the life of a Chief Marketing Officer 

Movie time with my sons. While they are simply “marvelled” with the special FX, my mind is racing across the company’s corporate video edits, stitching the CRM program and finally releasing the #LetsDecomplexify campaign. In no time, I started seeing myself in the place of Doctor Strange. The chief ingredient that differentiates me from Doctor Strange is that I don’t harness my powers using an infinity stone - I use a key element which is called “let’s decomplexify”.  

When I go into my “let’s decomplexify” state I can see the variants of myself living their lives in the world. As a Chief Marketing Officer navigating the multiverse of marketing, I find myself traversing diverse landscapes. Imagine marketing channels as portals, each demanding a unique approach with generative AI as the backbone. It's a dynamic journey, understanding customer dimensions, and tailoring digital transformation strategies for various segments. In this multiverse, data acts as the nexus, connecting insights across dimensions. Balancing creativity and analytics becomes a cosmic dance. Adaptability is key, as trends shift like alternate realities. The challenge lies in steering the brand through this kaleidoscope, ensuring resonance in every universe of our audience's experiences. 

Whichever universe we may refer to, the task is identical – be the master of Multiverse!

For that being relevant, effective creating a lasting impact on customers, potential employees, alliances, and analysts, and being responsible to Mother Nature is important.  

My principles of mastery are very basic but they are rational principles -   

1. Relevance rules with EQ.  
2. If data is the new oil then marketing is the gold – malleable, shiny, and always in demand. And data analytics is the compass.  
3. Everything is fair in the MULTIVERSE and it all depends on your vantage point within the MULTIVERSE. 

1. Relevance rules with EQ 

The more emotionally invested a customer is, the stronger their connection with your brand will be and thus begins brand loyalty and an engaged community. Both the quality and quantity of engagements that your customers have with your brand are equally important. If we #decomplexify business, we would be able to deliver experiences and guidance across customer journeys, where they can expect sustainable outcomes through unwavering trust, abundantvalue, and predictive velocity.  

2. If data is the new oil then marketing is the new gold 

From simpler and innovative ideas to uncomplicated & practical applications to effortless process guidance, the MULTIVERSE offers you plain sailing with your customers and revolutionizes the way you connect with your audiences - from beginner brands to established ones.   

3. Everything is fair – it all depends on your vantage point

We will not escape to a METAVERSE but make it a part of our MULTIVERSE. Eventually, we will move effortlessly from physical, to digital, to virtual realities without having to blink an eye.   

2026: a day in my life 

My cabin flashed fancy virtual dashboards. I see a different earth! 

My personalised virtual assistant working overtime. An adjoining green room to record and edit on the go. And my ever-glorious cape hanging in place of my jackets & scarves.   

Marketing in the MULTIVERSE will help us better review the customer life cycle, maintain and continuously improve the customer journey, present data and propose innovations that resonate with senior leadership, as well as overcome institutional habits. It will allow us to build a brand voice with a distinct personality that resonates with both your values and the values of your target audience.  

Now where’s my cape? 


Topics: leadership, thoughtleadership, branding, marketing, decomplexify

Prajakta Talvelkar

Written by Prajakta Talvelkar

In her role as the Global Head of Marketing and Partnerships, Prajakta Talvekar plays a pivotal role in shaping Mastek’s worldwide marketing strategies and spearheading impactful go-to-market initiatives. With over two decades of experience in the IT industry, she brings a wealth of expertise encompassing sales, consulting, marketing, and alliances. Prajakta previously held a leadership position overseeing the marketing unit for Capgemini’s Local Business in India, the Middle East, and North America. Additionally, she served as the Manager of Marketing and Communications at Bristlecone, where she played a crucial role in establishing and managing the marketing function. Her distinguished track record includes consistently surpassing sales targets, implementing innovative marketing solutions, and optimizing business processes through a unique blend of insights and analytics. An alumna of IIM C, Prajakta earned her B.Sc. in Microbiology from Sir Willingdon College and completed the APMP Marketing program at the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta. Beyond her exceptional professional achievements, she is committed to guiding and mentoring students, sharing her industry knowledge and insights.

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